When Upgrading
from AX 2009 into Dynamic 365 there are many things to bear in mind while you implement the
update. Here are Only a few of these:
1. Development Surroundings
Maintain An AX 2009 development environment with production data
available whilst going through the upgrade procedure. Testers and developers
will frequently get into this machine to mention how functionality and the
information gleaned in 2009.
2. Replacement processes
Identify Replacement procedures for deprecated attributes used
in 2009. If deprecated procedures are critical to your operations, then make
comfortable using the replacement procedures in Dynamic 365 before going live.
You do not need to get caught in a difficult circumstance.
3. Adopting new options
When Possible, look at adopting new modules/ISVs/processes in Dynamic
365 in a phase following the upgrade. If you add new processes into the mixture
whilst upgrading, then you interject more change than is required at any time.
If you run into a problem using the new modules, then it's difficult to know
whether the issue is with the software or migrated data or if it's due to a
lack of understanding in the new process.
4. Migrating data
There Isn't a data update route from 2009 to Dynamic 365, the
data must be migrated. Microsoft supplies a tool/hotfix you install into your
AX 2009 surroundings that extracts data to files. A different region of the
tool is a setup form in which you tell AX in which, in Lifecycle Services (LCS)
to push those documents with your extracted information. Sort through what data
you wish to migrate and then get the tool installed in your 2009 surroundings
are acquainted with it.
5. Review customizations
In Your own AX 2009 production environment navigate to
Administration > Reports > System > Element usage log and run the
report. The report informs you When every ISV, customized and custom form was
last used. If you have Customizations not being used, save some time and cash
and don't recreate them in Dynamic 365.
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